Symptoms of varicose veins of the lower extremities, and vein treatment in the early stage

Man is prone to various diseases, the development of which, by the way, to a certain extent he is to blame. It is our stubborn unwillingness to lead a healthy and active lifestyle, the implementation of which is postponed each time until the following Monday. But this fashion? What do fashionistas trying to match the style icons, then in adulthood I blame myself for rash acts.

The consequence of such behavior (not in all cases) can be a disease like varicose veins of the lower extremities, the symptoms and the treatment which we will discuss in more detail.

What are varicose veins


The name of the disease in Latin means "swelling". In fact, just the swelling of the veins and can be seen with the naked eye on the affected area of the body. However, this demonstrates the dynamic development of the disease and not a symptom of early varicose veins.

If you suffer from varicose veins because of poor circulation and the valves.

To the greatest extent varikoznim changes are the veins of the legs, but pathology may occur in the blood vessels of the walls of large and small pelvis. Very rare cases of this disease in the blood vessels of the upper extremities.

Help. Varicose veins are a very common condition, which is the average frequency of lesions of the population is between 10-18%.

It should be noted that the first signs of varicose veins on the legs, as well as their further development (in the absence of treatment) in women more often than men. Moreover, age factor has no meaning.

Damage to the venous walls can have bacterial, physical, traumatic, chemical origin of.

Based on this we can distinguish the following precipitating factors of this disease feet:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • heredity;
  • professional activities related to heavy physical exertion or long stay in one position (sitting or standing);
  • everyday wearing tight lingerie and shoes with high heels;
  • a significant increase of body weight;
  • pregnancy, especially the second and the next.

If in life there is at least one of such reasons it is necessary immediately to remove it or at least pay more attention to the condition of the veins in the legs.


Symptoms of varicose veins in the legs are in direct proportion to the stage of the disease.

Help. The most obvious symptom of varicose veins of the legs, which is impossible with something to confuse the extension of the superficial veins, the most noticeable bulging blood vessels in the lower legs.

Distinguish 4 stages of varicose veins in the lower extremities, and each is characterized by certain signs:

  • primary – heavy legs, fatigue after walking, swelling;
  • the first appearance of spider veins, burning sensation in calves and feet, regular cramps (especially at night);
  • second – all the above symptoms is added itching, numbness, pigmentation of the skin in the affected area. Furthermore, the emergence of a strong swelling and pronounced pain. Blue nodules become more prominent.
  • the third heavy phase pathology in which severely affected the skin of the feet. Has dry, the appearance of cracks, darkening of the skin on the ankles. Nodules veins stick out more, which is dangerous because they can burst even with a slight injury. If this happens, at the site of nodules appear trophic ulcers, which is dangerous not only for health but also human life.

Symptoms of varicose veins of the legs depending on the stage of development of pathology

Run this disease can not be in any case. At the slightest suspicion should be referred to a specialist for highly qualified help, because if the initial stage is successfully treated and conservative ways, then in the third or last stage of an operation is needed.

Help. When running the form of varicose veins is often seen in the development of thrombosis – the formation of venous thrombi, which threatens the patient's life.

We should also note the development of this pathology in females. Due to the specific structure of the organism may experience additional symptoms of varicose veins on the legs in women.

These include strengthening all signs of the disease during menstruation and menopause. This is a consequence of hormonal changes in the female body.

How to start a varicose veins on the legs

We should also talk about the initial stage of varicose veins on the legs

This point is very important because timely identification and proper actions of the patient will depend on the quality of his life.

Begins this pathological condition almost unnoticed, since the signs appear in plain fatigue.

Just for this reason varicose veins often go unnoticed until the emergence of serious symptoms.

One of the first symptoms of varicose veins on the legs – the appearance of the skin vascular veins, which form small capillaries blue or red.

Help. Spider veins, also called spider veins, appear not in all cases at this stage of the disease.

For the development of the disease more characteristic of the following characteristics:

  • Periodic swelling of the legs.
  • Fatigue, pain and heaviness in the legs.
  • A feeling of fullness in the calf.

The early manifestation of varicose veins of the legs

The above symptoms may be aggravated by heavy loads, by the end of the working day or during the hottest time of the year.

At first they disappear after rest in the supine position and slightly raised legs.

If nothing is done, over time, symptoms of disease will begin to grow, acquiring the next stage of progression.

Therapy and prevention of early varicose veins

There are contraindications. Talk to your doctor.

Before proceeding to the consideration of methods of treatment and prevention the initial phase of illness, touch on the question of diagnosis of varicose veins of the lower extremities.

For the detection and subsequent treatment of need to see a doctor who will prescribe a list of required analyses and studies:

  • coagulation – study of blood clotting;
  • General analysis of blood;
  • Ultrasound to identify the damaged areas of the vessels;
  • rheovasography – check failure of blood supply to tissues by calculating rheographic index;
  • surgical exploration (very rarely), for example, venography, which perform intravenous contrast agent in order to determine the condition of the circulatory system.

Before defining the varicose veins on the legs in ways that the doctor, of course, listens carefully and records all complaints from patients and conduct a thorough inspection.

On the basis of examination and determine the nature of the pathology, the doctor prescribes the appropriate therapy.

Preventive measures

Prevention plays an important role in the presence of risk factors for the occurrence of such pathological States. So do not ignore them, even when starting varicose veins.

This can protect from further development of the disease and the need for surgical intervention.

With this purpose, you should observe the following rules:

  • Moderate exercise, especially swimming.
  • Proper nutrition.
  • Taking vitamin complexes.
  • Strengthening of walls of vessels using a contrast shower.
  • Wearing compression underwear.
  • Exercises that improve circulation.

Methods of prevention of varicose veins


These exercises are well known to everyone at school: "Bicycle", "scissors", walking on toes and heels, flexion – extension stop at the ankle joints, and performing circular motions.

Important! These exercises should be performed daily, because the only way they will be able to benefit.


Treating the symptoms of varicose veins at an early stage is quite effective. Usually a specialist – flebolog prescribes a comprehensive procedure that includes several different treatments.

The most effective are the following methods:

  • Massage for early varicose veins — one of the most effective methods of treatment of pathology
  • Therapeutic exercise and Hiking for normal blood circulation.
  • Therapeutic massage eliminates fatigue and improves blood circulation.
  • Compression creates a uniform pressure distribution.
  • Flebotoniki to relieve pain and swelling in the legs, improve muscle tone.
  • Creams to improve the elasticity of the skin.
  • Creams and gels (the better based on vetonikov and heparin) – eliminate the heaviness in the legs, eliminate the bleeding.
  • There is another unusual but effective way – a patch of varicose veins, based on medicinal herbs and roots.

If at an early stage of the disease faithfully carry out all the doctor's orders, there is a good chance to stop the progression of the disease, and hence to avoid surgery.